Archive | January, 2015

Super Bowl Super Foods

26 Jan

IMG_1973Whether you’re hosting or bringing a dish to a Super Bowl party this Sunday, these simple recipes are sure to please your palate and body, leaving plenty of time for halftime dancing and game watching. Fully inflated football decorations are optional.


Appetizers: fresh fig (or date) and nitrate-free summer sausage kabobs, guacamole with red bell pepper and carrot dippers, sweet potato and cashew hummus

Main Event: bison chili

Dessert: individual small paper cups in team colors filled with 80% dark chocolate pieces and raw nuts and seeds (cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc.)


The Cleanest Sloppiest Joe

19 Jan

IMG_1996I love eating comfort foods when temperatures begin to dip. This Sloppy Joe recipe is one of my favorites during the winter months. It includes immune supporting garlic and oregano, plus this dish is quick, easy, and free from MSG-laden canned whatchamacallits.



1 1/2 lb grass-fed ground beef, bison, or turkey

2 garlic clove, smashed and minced

1 small red onion, diced

1 bell pepper, diced

2 1/2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

1/4 tsp cayenne

2 Tbsp dried oregano

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp ground cloves

8 oz tomato paste

15 oz diced fire roasted tomatoes

Optional: Bubbies pickles



1. In a large skillet or dutch oven, brown meat and saute onion, bell pepper and garlic until soft and onions are translucent. Drain grease.

2. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 10-15 minutes

3. Serve topped with Bubbies pickles and roasted or sautéed vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, asparagus or bell peppers.

Serves 4-6

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

12 Jan

ghost-crab_w725_h476Have you ever heard of the Crab Theory? It’s pretty interesting. Here it goes: if you place one crab in a pot, it will easily crawl out, but if you put multiple crabs in a pot, they will pull anyone down who tries to escape to ensure they all meet the same fate.

There are many theories on the why: jealousy, resentment, equal the playing field, feel better about themselves… kinda sounds like human nature, huh? Have you ever attempted to make a positive change, like cutting down on cookie consumption, only to have your spouse restock the cookie stash (after you asked him/her not to) or your best friend telling you you’re “no fun” since you don’t want to go to the coffee shop that sells your favorite cookies? Yep, that sucks and makes doing something good for yourself feel like a drag.

Social support is critical when making positive change. So until your new change has become a habit, try spending a bit more time with people who build you up and a little less time with those that tear you down. While you build your new power posse (the friends and family that will go on a walk with you and enjoy eating healthier foods), try communicating the importance of why you are changing to your other friends and family and how much you’d appreciate their support. You can even assure them that while you want to be healthier for your grandkids, you will not guilt or pressure them to do the same. Who knows, if they don’t feel judged or feel scared that you’ll leave them behind, they may even warm up to ditching those cookies too.

The 10-Minute Workout

5 Jan

We’re throwing a party for your body! New year, new you, new outlook.

Will 10 minutes give you the healthy, strong body you seek? Yes… eventually, because 10 minutes will turn into 20 minutes, then 30 minutes, then… you get the point. Ten minutes make a difference if you are doing big bang exercises, giving it your all, eating quality whole foods and doing it 4-5 days per week. Health has a whole lot to do with building positive habits rather than willpower. Cross my heart.

Everyone has 10 minutes in their day. You really do. So let’s unleash the awesomeness within and get your health on! (And make sure it is cool with your doctor, keep good form and never do anything that hurts–joint pain and muscle fatigue are very different things.)

10-Minute Exercise Programs***

Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday Resistance Training Workout

Perform as a circuit, moving from one exercise into the next until you are finished. Perform as many sets of circuits as you can in the 10-minute time frame. Alternate between A and B days. Keep the core activated during each exercise (think belly button to spine.)

Day A

Warm Up: Jog in place or do jumping jacks for 30 seconds.

1. Push Up

Start in a neutral spine position with your wrists under your shoulders and elbows straight; hands on wall, stable surface or floor. Inhale, bend your elbows to lower yourself towards the ground, elbows pointing back at a 45 degree angle from your sides (Fig. 1). Lower as one unit, staying in a plank position (Fig. 2). Once your arms are level with your torso, exhale and push up to start position. Perform 10 reps.

2. Split Squat

Using bodyweight or holding dumbbells by your side for added resistance, start in a split stance with right leg in front and left leg back, legs hip width apart. Inhale, bend knees to lower your body, leading with the left knee towards the ground (but don’t touch the knee to ground) (Fig. 3). Exhale, squeeze the glutes and push with the right heel to start position. Keep the spine neutral the entire time. Perform 10 reps, then switch to the other side. If this is too difficult, perform squats instead.

3. Plank

Start in a neutral spine position with your elbows under your shoulders and your weight back in your heels (Fig. 4). Hold this for 30-60 seconds. Keep breathing.


Day B

Warm Up: Jog in place or do jumping jacks for 30 seconds.

1. Renegade Row

Start in a push up position on the floor, except you’ll be holding onto dumbbells. Feet hip width apart. Inhale, bend your right arm, pulling the weight up to your torso without shifting your hips, then lower down to the ground. Switch sides. Perform 5-10 reps each arm.

2. Squat (or Jump Squat)

Using bodyweight or holding weight (dumbbells, kettlebell, etc.) by your side for added resistance, stand with feet hip width apart. Inhale, sit back like you are going to sit in a chair, keeping knees behind and in line with second toe (Fig. 5). Exhale, squeeze the butt and push through the heels as though you are pushing the ground away from you to return to start (or Jump Squat: push through the heels and jump) (Note: my arms are in a prisoner’s squat position. This is not the best position for those with shoulder issues, tight pecs, etc. Please keep hands on hips or folded at your chest. I simply posed like this because it was the best view to demonstrate proper technique in the photograph without blocking my lower body.)

3. Side Plank

Same as the plank, but you’ll start on your side with the elbow underneath the shoulder. You can keep the knees on the ground (recommended for beginners or those with back issues) or be on your toes. Lift hips and keep your body in one straight line. Hold this for 30-60 seconds each side. Keep breathing.


Tuesday/Thursday Metabolic Workout

Warm Up: Jog in place or do jumping jacks for 30 seconds.

Choose one cardio activity (walk, jog or run up stairs or on the ground, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees or a combo of any three). Perform at a high intensity for you (while keeping proper form) for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat until you’ve reached 9 minutes, then cool down and walk slowly for the remaining final minute. Take a longer rest between sets if needed.

***This program is designed for healthy individuals with no medical concerns. Always speak with your doctor before performing any exercise program. If you are new to exercise or haven’t exercised in a while (but your doctor has given you the A-OK), start with one set and build your endurance and strength from there. Optimal results can only be obtained with a customized exercise and nutrition program.

For an effective, efficient and longer workout, try the 30-Minute Workout, the Jungle (Gym) Fever workout or contact me at for a customized exercise, nutrition and life coaching program.

Figure 4

Figure 1: Push Up Start Position

Figure 5

Figure 2: Push Up Lower Position

Figure 3 Split Squat (you can use the chair for balance if you are a new exerciser)

Figure 3: Split Squat (you can use the chair for balance if you are a new exerciser)


Figure 4: Plank

Figure 1: Bodyweight Squats

Figure 5: Squat